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Ideas inspiration concepts with rocket l


Discover the future of your business in 3 days

  • Create the new products and experiences will power your future business

  • Turbo-charge your growth strategy

  • Pay what you think it's worth, and only after you see the outputs




3 days of dedicated Epic support, delivered in a sprint, to help you turbo-charge your growth strategy. In 3 days we'll create, bring to life and validate the concepts that will power the future of your business. It's intense. It's focussed. And because we're an independent firm it's instilled with objectivity and creativity from the word go. 

We'll playback your outputs in a VC style pitch. We'll identify the target customer, the problem we're solving, the market size, an outline of your potential new product or service, and a practical plan of what to do next. No management consulting nonsense - just practical, commercially savvy thinking. 

You pay only what you think it's worth. And you get to see the outputs before you decide on the cost. We'll never, ever question your numbers. It's that simple. No catches, no long term commitment, no risk. And all the content is yours to do with as you wish. If only all partners were this easy to work with ;)



  • You decide the start point for the sprint and the boundaries that we play within. For example we can restrict the sprint to a certain category or segment, or you may want to focus on redeveloping an existing product or range. If you're feeling bold you might choose a more open brief - it's totally up to you.

  • We'll provide a very simple template for you to fill in that gives us a brief

  • We hold a short planning session with you and your core team of stakeholders (less is more)

  • We fire the starting pistol!

Image by ian dooley
On a Run


  • Day 1: Interview your product and customer experts, explore the category and identify the problems and pain points we can solve. Map the market and identify the target customers. At end of day 1 we host a "beers and ideas" session with the whole team. 

  • Day 2: This is the creative day where we define and refine concepts, then bring them to life. By the end of day 2 we'll know what the new product or experience looks like, how it works and why it's valuable to your business.

  • Day 3We validate with potential customers and iterate the concept. Then we create a plan of how to accelerate the next stages in your business. At the end of day 3 we'll pitch the concept and the plan back to you so you can make informed decisions about what to do next.


  • A week after the sprint we'll get together to discuss:

    • What's happened since the pitch​

    • The level of engagement and momentum

    • How we can help you accelerate the development 

  • We'll also finalise how much you'd like to pay. It's totally up to you and depends on what you think our collaboration has been worth. There's no pressure and we'll never question your decision.

Image by mostafa meraji



Then get in touch using the contact form. Give us snapshot of what you'd like to work on together, and any other details you'd like to add, and we'll be back in touch within 24hrs. All information shared with us is treated as confidential. We can usually kick-off a growth sprint within 1 week.

Or give us a call:



  • Can I really pay what I think it's worth? Come on, what's the catch?"
    Seriously, there isn't one. You really can pay what you think it's worth, even if that is £0. Sometimes partners need a bit of help putting a number on it, so we can offer advice. But it's really down to you, your budgets, and the value you place on growth and innovation. We'll never, ever quibble your numbers or be offended by them. So go on, there's no risk to you whatsoever.
  • How much of my time is this going to take?
    As little or as much as you want. There are three elements we insist upon: The Planning meeting, the Beers and Ideas social, and the Pitch meeting. So that's a minimum of three sessions. After that you can choose whether you want us to conduct the sprint with our team only, or if you want to bring in your team too. There will be a small amount of time required from you pre-sprint, to set up the brief and do introductions etc.
  • Can we run a growth sprint remotely?
    Yes! Most of our recent sprints have been done remotely. Face to face meetings are better, and we can run them safely with social distancing in-place. But if you prefer fully remote working, then that's totally fine.
  • Is our data safe and secure with you?
    1) All of our client work is confidential. 2) We work with some of the biggest companies in the world. Our IT and data security systems and policies are world class and often more secure than the clients we work with. 3) If you still aren't comfortable sharing sensitive data with us, then don't. We don't need to access and store your sensitive data to run growth sprints. So there are no barriers.
  • Who will be on the Epic team?
    Epic has a different set-up to most companies you will have worked with. We only employ a small and very senior team of directors. One of these will run your growth sprint. We don't have a cohort of junior staff. Any specialist personnel we bring into your sprint will come from the network of world class talent we have built.
  • Where will the sprint take place?
    Sprints work better if they are based in your offices, it means we'e working more closely together. We can also run them in our co-working space. If you prefer, we can run them remotely with limited impact to the project.


“We built Epic like we build our other ventures. A lean mean fighting machine. We don't have fancy offices. We have no back office staff. We have no overheads that our partners and clients have to pay for. Everything is focussed on delivery. If you're a product person, you'll love the way we're set-up.”

Chris Thompson. Founder of Epic

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